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Analogy of Life #1 : Afterlife Nursery

 Bismillah, peace be upon you

"Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad"

Imagine that man is like,

In a kindergarten,

(analogy: school is 'the world')

and us

(analogy: all humans, whether Muslim or non-Muslim)

try to register to study at that school

(analogy: a baby born into the world)

Some are successful and some are unsuccessful in being registered in school

(analogy: There are babies who are successfully born into the world, and there are babies who are not successfully born into the world)

Maybe those who don't want to / don't manage to register for school because of poverty / children who suffer from diseases at a young age, so they need treatment and are detained in the ward.‎

(Analogy: a baby who miscarried in the womb or died during childbirth / an abandoned baby)

All these children still do not understand their purpose in going to school. But the guardian has reminded them first about what will be done at school a few days / weeks / months before they enter school.

(Analogy: All babies are naturally born as MUSLIM, whether they are born from a MUSLIM family or a non-Muslim. But ALLAH, the Lord of the universe, has already told us the purpose of our lives before we are born into the world).

There are many children from various backgrounds: children who are geniuses, some who quickly grasp what they learn but still need to go to school, there are children who are slow to catch on, there are children who suffer from dyslexia, and some children who are afraid to study, there are children who prefer to play than study and so on.

(Analogy: there are different types of MUSLIMS: there are babies who are indeed exposed and taught about ISLAM and their families are also obedient to the teachings of ISLAM, some come from families who understand ISLAM but are still mixed, and there are families who have heard but have not fully understood about ISLAM and needs a process, some are taught by parents about ISLAM but are shown incorrect examples so that the children are confused, some children are Islamophobic so they develop racist elements in themselves, there are children who are MUSLIM but they prefer entertainment until they forget the main purpose of being born in the world).

Here I leave a question for you:

We are 'babies' in which situation in this world?

Terminology that needs to be understood:

1. Allah

2. Islam

3. Muslims

Thank you to everyone who has visited this page☺.

Jazakillahi khair (May all goodness return to you)


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