Bismillah, assalamualaikum "Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad" 1. BSM4601 Protein Engineering Topic 1 Introduction to Concept and Application of Protein Engineering Topic 2 Amino Acid Chemical Properties Topic 3 Protein Structure Topic 4 Protein Structure II Topic 5 Protein Folding Topic 6 Protein Purification Topic 7 Protein Engineering 2. BCH3108 Enzymology Topic 1 Introduction of Enzymes, Coenzyme, Cofactor Topic 2 Cofactor, Apoenzyme, Holoenzyme, Catalyst, Transition State, Active Site Topic 3 Activation Energy, Lock and Key, Induced Fit, Enzyme-Substrate Complex Topic 4 Covalent and Metal Ion Catalysis Topic 5 Enzyme Kinetics Topic 6 Enzyme Kinetics - Michaelis Menten & Briggs Haldane Topic 7 Enzyme Purification Techniques Topic 8 Ammonium Sulphate Topic 9 Ion Exchange Topic 10 SDS PAGE Topic 11 Gel Filtration 3. BTC4001 Biosafety and Bioethics Topic 1 Introduction to Biosafety Topic 2 Biosafety Level Topic 3 Biosafe...