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Showing posts from July 24, 2022

Blog Study Saya || Topik-topik Sem 6 Biologi Sel dan Molekul Saya!

  Bismillah, assalamualaikum "Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad" 1. BSM4502 Biologi Sel & Molekul Tumbuhan Gunaan  (belajar aplikasi) Topic 1 Introduction to Plant Biotechnology Topic 2 Development & Design Transgenic Plants Topic 3 Vector Design & Construction Topic 4 Promoter & Marker Gene Topic 5 Analysis of Transgenic Plants Topic 6 Molecular Markers Topic 7 Genome Editing Topic 8 Omics Technologies Topic 9 Functional Genomics Lab Manual 2. BSM4203 Diagnostik Molekul (Menggunakan kemahiran yang ada untuk kenalpasti penyakit)  Topic 1 Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics Topic 2 Application of PCR Technology in Molecular Diagnostics Topic 3 Principles & Application of Flow Cytometry Topic 4 Molecular Oncology - Introduction to Cancer Biology Topic 5 Gene & Chromosomal Mutations in Solid Tumors Topic 6 Molecular Cytogenetics - Technique for Detection of Chromosomal Abnormality Topic 7 Human Leukocyte Ant...

Analogy of Life #1 : Afterlife Nursery

 Bismillah, peace be upon you "Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad" Imagine that man is like, In a kindergarten, (analogy: school is 'the world') and us (analogy: all humans, whether Muslim or non-Muslim) try to register to study at that school (analogy: a baby born into the world) Some are successful and some are unsuccessful in being registered in school (analogy: There are babies who are successfully born into the world, and there are babies who are not successfully born into the world) Maybe those who don't want to / don't manage to register for school because of poverty / children who suffer from diseases at a young age, so they need treatment and are detained in the ward.‎ (Analogy: a baby who miscarried in the womb or died during childbirth / an abandoned baby) All these children still do not understand their purpose in going to school. But the guardian has reminded them first about what will be done at school ...

Analogi Kehidupan #1 : Tadika Akhirat

Bismillah, assalamualaikum "Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad" Bayangkan manusia itu ibarat, Di sebuah sekolah tadika ,   (analogi: sekolah tu 'dunia') dan kita   (analogi: seluruh manusia, sama ada MUSLIM atau non-muslim)  cuba mendaftar untuk belajar di sekolah tersebut   (analogi: bayi yang dilahirkan ke dunia) Ada yang berjaya dan ada yang tak berjaya didaftarkan di sekolah (analogi: Ada yang bayi yang berjaya lahir di dunia, dan ada bayi yang tidak berjaya lahir ke dunia) Mungkin yang tidak mahu / tidak berjaya mendaftar sekolah tu kerana kemiskinan hidup / kanak-kanak yang menghidap penyakit di usia yang muda sehingga memerlukan rawatan dan ditahan di wad. ‎ (Analogi: bayi yang keguguran dalam rahim atau meninggal ketika bersalin /  bayi yang terbiar )   Semua kanak-kanak ni masih belum faham tujuan mereka ke sekolah . Tapi penjaganya telah mengingatkan dahulu tentang apa yang akan dilakukan di sekolah beber...