Bismillah, assalamualaikum
"Allahumma solli a'la sayyidina muhammad wa a'la ali sayyidina muhammad"
1. BCH3002 Biokimia Komprehensif ll
- Topic 1 Photosynthesis
- Topic 2 Introduction to Metabolism
- Topic 3 Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Topic 4 Amino Acid & Protein Catabolism (Part 1)
- Topic 5 Amino Acid & Protein Catabolism (Part 2)
- Topic 6 Biosynthesis of Amino Acid
- Topic 7 Bioenergetic & Thermodynamic
- Topic 8 Nucleotides Metabolism (Part 1)
- Topic 9 Nucleotides Metabolism (Part 2)
- Topic 10 Nucleotides Metabolism (Part 3)
- Topic 11 Lipid Metabolism
2. BSM3501 Kultur Sel & Tisu Tumbuhan
Lecture Notes:
- Topic 1 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture
- Topic 2 Tissue Culture Medium
- Topic 3 Application of Plant Tissue Culture Technology in Agroindustry
- Topic 4 Totipotency
- Topic 5 Organogenesis & Somatic Embryogenesis
- Topic 6 Protoplast Culture
- Topic 7 Embryo Culture
- Topic 8 Anther Culture & Ovule Culture
- Topic 9 Somaclonal Variation
3. BSM3202 Kejuruteraan Genetik
Lecture Notes :
- Topic 1 Introduction to Genetic Engineering
- Topic 2 How Do Bacteria Talk?
- Topic 3 Natural Occurrence of DNA Transformation and Its Application
- Topic 4 Basic Techniques in Gene Cloning
- Topic 5 More on Plasmid DNA (Part 1)
- Topic 6 More on Plasmid DNA (Part 2)
- Topic 7 Manipulation of Purified DNA
- Topic 8 Construction & Screening of DNA Library
- Topic 9 Human Genome Project
- Topic 10 Polymerase Chain Reaction I
- Topic 11 Polymerase Chain Reaction II
- Topic 12 Primer Design
- Topic 13 DNA Sequencing
- Topic 14 Bacteriophages I
- Topic 15 Bacteriophages II
- Topic 16 Bacteriophages III
- Topic 17 Bacteriophage M13 Vectors
- Topic 18 Mutagenesis
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Jazakillahi khairan
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